Come On Over - A Jeff Mauro Podcast

Come On Over...It’s Father’s Day!

Episode Summary

Father’s Day is approaching, so Jeff and Emily are paying tribute to their dad, Big Gus, and all the daddies out there. In a special Father’s Day edition of Listener Lightning Round, they share listeners’ fatherly wisdom ranging from good to bad to questionable, along with the “Gussons” (or Gus Lessons) they’ve absorbed from their own dad. Big Gus stops by and Jeff plays him a Father’s Day tribute that is earth-shattering and of course, very tender. They also take a moment to tell him what makes Gus so great from his ability to make a eulogy entertaining to his love of Aqua Socks. Be prepared to have the old heart strings pulled and listen today!

Episode Notes

- Watch the video for Jeff’s original Father’s Day Tribute, Big Gus  

 Listen to “Big Gus” along with all of Jeff’s original, face-melting tunes!  

- AND you can also listen to all of Jeff’s Tunes on SOUNDCLOUD

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