Come On Over - A Jeff Mauro Podcast

Come On Over….It’s the Season 1 Finale AND We Got Song Contest Results!

Episode Summary

Believe it or not, it’s Come On Over’s Season 1 Finale! Jeff and Emily spend the whole ‘sode catching up, answering some listener questions, AND announcing the results AND winner of the first annual Song Contest! They talk about ghosts, shooting a tv show and going to a funeral during Covid times, the dangers of paintballing, why octopi are aliens, bad salad and of course...Sauvage!

Episode Notes

Have Questions? 

Send yours to! He may just answer it in a future podcast! 

Get your personalized messages from Jeff via Cameo right HERE !

Want to jam out again to those face-melting theme songs?
Click HERE to listen to all of Jeff’s one-of-a-kind tunes!