Come On Over - A Jeff Mauro Podcast

Come On Over…It’s the Top 5 of Our Lives…Of the Past Month

Episode Summary

After traveling by air, by land and by horse for the past month, Jeff and Emily break down their adventures the only way they know how….set to lounge music. Pretend you’re sipping on a dirty martini in a smokey, sultry bar as you hear about Jeff wrangling cattling in Montana. You’ll swear you’re in a speakeasy from the 1920’s as Emily tells tales of hosting hotel after parties with strangers at an Indiana wedding. Guaranteed laughs and good times for all!

Episode Notes

Watch Jeff & Emily top-fiving it in the studio 

See Emily’s couch….FINALLY! 

Pam’s latest lamb cake, and lamb cakes of the past


Listen to all of Jeff’s original, face-melting tunes


AND you can also listen to all of Jeff’s Tunes on SOUNDCLOUD 


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