Come On Over - A Jeff Mauro Podcast

Come On Over...We’re Telling Thanksgiving Dumpsterfire Stories

Episode Summary

In this episode, Jeff and Emily share Thanksgiving Dumpster Fire Stories from their loyal listeners. This ain’t no Hallmark special, as these stories involve fires, injured animals, exploding turkeys, turkeys in bathtubs, hot gravy on legs, chair destruction and actual face melting. You probably won’t cry, but you’ll most definitely laugh as they go full medium and take theatrical story-telling to the next level. This Thanksgiving the family gatherings will be smaller and the friendsgivings most likely non-existent. So forward this one on to a loved one you’ll be separated from this holiday, or listen and laugh with your immediate house-mate you’re most likely sick of. It’ll make you reminisce of Thanksgiving Dumpster Fire stories of your very own!

Episode Notes

Have Questions? 

Send yours to! He may just answer it in a future podcast! 

Click here to get ALL the recipes for The Top 10 Best Thanksgiving Sides According to Jeff & Emily

Other Stuffs

Check out this pic of titanium hardware that was in Lorenzo’s leg 

Click HERE to listen to Jeff’s first every holiday hybrid song, Thanksgiving Tree (and all the rest of Jeff’s one-of-a-kind tunes)